Media in constellation form
We can imagine that people first made constellations to humanize the sky, to make the infinite darkness seem less foreboding. Now that we live in cities of light, bathed in the glow of televisions, headlights, shops, signs, and streetlamps, our battle with darkness seems to be won. But the things that darkness represents — the unknown, the unconquered, and the endless — live on as ever, and we continue to need mythology to help us reconcile that which science and technology cannot answer. So, what is the mythology of today? What are the great stories? What are the great journeys? Who are the heroes and villains? When we step back and look at life, what are its overarching themes?Go view the amazing Universe. I only wish they had data more centered on culture and less on politics and celebrity. The creator Jonathan Harris has a really impressive collection of works.
Now, I have a lot of time wasting to catch up on..
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